
Two weeks has gone quickly, in a blur. Meetings, doctors appointments, birthday parties for Emerson, school starting back. I am, so far, doing good with my yoga go work out. I'm also keeping up with the mobility and stretch videos on FitOn that I like to perform. I don't appear to be losing weight but I feel stronger and nothing on my body hurts except for occasionally my lower back when I bend over a lot while cleaning or doing laundry. I would like to start adding in squats, pushups, and situps to my daily regminen. I'm up to walking 8000 steps per day and yesterday actually enjoyed it, I was only bored for the last 1500 or so steps. 


Tomorrow, is our first day of co-op for the semester and I'm already counting down the days for it to be over. I am excited about my class and am feeling hopeful about it. I was still relieved when I realized that I will only have to teach 5 cooking classes instead of 6. I like all the kids in my class they are mostly the quieter, more willing to behave, kids and so I think that will go well since both myself and my assistant are also quiet people. 


I started Lexapro a little over a week ago, I'm hopeful that it will help me. I do feel like I have more energy and am sleeping less.


 Goal for January

  • swedish death clean the kitchen
  • finish my mom's blanket
  • third coat of blue paint on the wall
Goal for the week
  •  find a baseline goal for situps, pushups, and squats

Goal for tomorrow

  • workout and meditate
  • survive co-op
  • read in my book
  • complete cleaning chores on my me+ app

